Our Founder’s Story
Sam Crowther, who once helped one of Australia’s biggest banks battle bots and bolster its security, founded Kasada in 2015. He and a small group of friends set up shop in a shipping container under the Sydney Harbour Bridge. They’d seen firsthand how complicated tools failed time and again against attacks launched by increasingly clever attackers. And they realized that the key to defeating automated threats was not just hidden in code, but hiding behind keyboards — in the minds, motivations, and behaviors of bad actors. When you see adversaries through the screen, you understand how to beat them.
It was a big shift in thinking then, and remains so today — now more than ever, it’s a necessary one. Bot management is broken, and that means businesses and customers are hurting. It’s wrong to knowingly sell products that aren’t effective. So we do things differently.
The Internet as it should be: a safe place, an authentic space.
We’re Kasada, blending the talents of red teamers and blue teamers, of people with diverse backgrounds and experiences, from all walks of life. We welcome any and all who greet life with curiosity and creativity. Those traits, plus compassion, help us transform the face of cybersecurity.
The company has grown globally, headquartered in Sydney with hubs in New York, Boston, Melbourne, and San Francisco.
Our Leadership Team
Whether it is the Internet, our customers, our team, or our community, we are driven to have a positive impact. Meet our leadership team.
Our Investors
Our investors have made it possible for us to reimagine bot mitigation, attracting more than $39 Million in venture funding.
Join us in the fight against bots
Traditional bot management and static defense don’t stand up today’s evolving threats. But Kasada’s unmatched understanding of adversarial techniques creates enduring protection bad actors can’t evade. We see the entirety of the threat landscape — and we know how to counter it.