In 2015, our founder Sam Crowther experienced firsthand the urgent need for effective ways to combat sophisticated cyber attacks on web and mobile apps. As a red teamer at a major Australian bank, Sam witnessed how the tools and approaches used by large enterprises were inadequate. Legacy products focused on surface-level defense, easily bypassed by attackers using advanced adversarial tools. Sam realized that a new and innovative approach was necessary to protect forward-thinking organizations and their users.

This phenomenon remains just as true today as it did then. Otherwise people would have a fair chance at buying Taylor Swift tickets. Disinformation wouldn’t spread like wildfire on Twitter and other social media platforms. Large scale data breaches from credential stuffing attacks and API scraping wouldn’t happen nearly as often. All of these are powered by increasingly sophisticated automation that can completely bypass the majority of bot detection tools available in the marketplace.

Ultimately, security products designed by people who don’t know how to break defenses are destined to fail. Bad bots continue to wreak havoc on online businesses, hurting their customers, costing them a lot of money, and shattering their brand reputation.

Kasada changes the game. So we wanted to evolve our brand to be as uniquely different as the approach Kasada takes to stopping automated threats. One that boldly challenges some seriously big ideas (ahem, CAPTCHA), by reimagining the norms that exist in our industry. One that exposes how easy it is for adversaries to evade traditional bot management tools. Because businesses deserve better.

We’re thrilled to share this evolution of the Kasada brand. Through partnership with the incredibly talented folks at Focus Lab and Torro Media, our amazing brand core team (Alexa, Lucy, Tyrone, and me) and marketing all-stars (Jon, Maddy, Sophie) challenged assumptions and built a foundation for our brand that truly represents who we are and how we’re shaking up the industry.

Let’s get into it!

New Core Narrative

Kasada has an unmatched understanding of the human minds behind automated threats. By blending the talents of red teamers and blue teamers, and everything in between – we’re able to deeply understand both the techniques and motivations of those looking to attack our customers. 

We’ve built a product to match, too. We defend our customer’s websites, apps and APIs from millions of attacks a day using best-in-class attack detection mechanisms and a different mindset. When you are able to see through automated threats – in the minds, motivations, and behaviors of bad actors – you know exactly how to beat them.

Our Purpose, Mission, and Vision

Why do we exist as a company? What impact will our work have on the world?

Kasada exists to ensure the world benefits from a secure, trustworthy Internet. Getting clarity on this has allowed us to focus our collective energy into a single mission: to seamlessly protect brands and their customers from automated attacks through our distinct advantage – expertise in the tools and human minds being evolving threats.

If we’re successful in this mission, we envision an Internet transformed into a more authentic community, where each user is a real person, enabling companies and customers to confidently engage and thrive. A mutually beneficial, better place for us all.

Our Unique Differentiators

What sets us apart?

Kasada deeply understands automated threats. The people, the technology, and the ecosystem is something that we have studied, reverse engineered, and packaged into a solution that works for real companies that want to get on with business without the overhead associated with other tools.

Our unmatched knowledge results in a radical approach that makes our protection:

  • Quick to evolve: fast to pivot and always changing, protecting you against evolving attacks
  • Difficult to evade: detecting threats from the very first request, forcing data integrity, with resiliency to retooling
  • Invisible to customers: zero friction for end users, creating seamless user experiences free of CAPTCHAs

Why do customers choose to work with us?

Teams that implement Kasada see more revenue, lower operational costs, and boosted brand equity – thanks to the elimination of previously pervasive attacks and associated costs. We’re proud to say that it’s not uncommon for our customers to report that Kasada is the best vendor they’ve ever worked with. Meanwhile, their end users experience seamless engagement, never bothered by CAPTCHAs or visual challenges, while being protected by Kasada.


New Visual Identity

For most of our customers, Kasada silently sits in the background defending them from threats they didn’t even know they had before. To realize our dream of transforming the Internet into a more authentic community, we’re going to have to make a lot of noise.

We’ve revamped just about everything about our visual identity other than the company name and our guiding values. Our logo, color palette, typography, and graphic elements are all new. Highlights include:

The Mark

Kasada logo mark

Our new logomark is bold, savvy, and uniquely different. We see what others can’t and search where others have not thought to look. This mark symbolizes Kasada’s clever approach that shines a light on the darkest corners of the Internet. The vigilant eye within means that threats — current and emerging — can’t hide, and bad bots don’t win. Framing the eye is a hand, representing the personal care and guidance Kasada gives its customers. Purposefully crafted to blend technical expertise with human understanding, Kasada is as unique as it is formidable.

The Logo

Kasada logo full color

The new Kasada logotype is approachable while retaining dynamic and approachable qualities, just like our team. The lowercase stylization is friendly while maintaining curiosity.

The Colors

Kasada stands out in a sea of sameness. We’ve designed our new color palette to be challenging and savvy, just like us.

Light mode and dark mode for Kasada brand

The primary and secondary accent colors paired together create a distinct look and distances us from the common and dull colors overused within our industry. We took care to ensure the color choices work well for both normal and dark-mode designs, as well as meeting accessibility standards.

The Elements

Our new graphic library is a collection of styles and graphic assets that can be used and combined to create a bold, savvy, and clever Kasada brand. A few callouts include:

Kasada brand shining a light patterns

Light Patterns: illustrate shining a light on the human minds, motivations, and behaviors behind automated threats. These patterns are used most often as backgrounds to frame content like imagery and patterns.

The dots and sticks representing the brokenness of the industry

Abstract Illustrations: in an industry of outdated and ineffective solutions, these abstract sticks convey the brokenness of traditional bot management tools while highlighting Kasada’s unique approach to fixing the problems.

Silhouette of Kasada's mark

Dynamic Mark: adds interest and dynamism to layouts and compositions. Reinforces the uniqueness and formidability that’s associated with our new logo. 

The New Kasada

Bringing it all together now… This is the new Kasada.

Kasada shine the light motion graphic

The Anti-Bot Industry: Isn’t it Ironic?

There’s great irony in how robotic the anti-bot industry has become. It’s wrong to knowingly sell products that aren’t effective. So we hold ourselves accountable, striving to ensure that we quickly adapt to both new and existing threats.

We will continue to maintain the human qualities and expertise that we’ve come to be known for. We provide customers with a caring, insightful team – not just a tool. For a company that battles bots, the actual relationships with Kasada are anything but bot-like – human relationships matter the most to us, and they always will.

Our new brand serves as a genuine reflection of how we’ve evolved as a company and the experience you have when interacting with our team – from the very first call to long-term mutually beneficial partnerships.

We hope you love our new brand as much as we do. We look forward to creating an authentic Internet community, together with you.

Want to learn more?

  • Kasada’s Reflections on the Q3 2024 Forrester Wave™ – Bot Management Evaluation

    Kasada named a Strong Performer. Here are some of our own reflections having taken part in this evaluation.

  • Fake CAPTCHA Scams: Ruining Consumer Trust and Driving Website Abandonment

    CAPTCHAs frustrate users, fail to stop sophisticated bots, and now pose a serious malware risk.

Beat the bots without bothering your customers — see how.